It's all part of the Experience

Tag: R600

  • 2019 Mt. Baker Hill Climb

    2019 Mt. Baker Hill Climb

    I considered my ride in the 2018 Mt. Baker Hill Climb an adventure to be endured, not necessarily enjoyed during the adventure, yet another example of a favorite C.S. Lewis quote, Adventures are never fun while you’re having them. Going into the 2019 event with eyes wide open, I’ve been expecting a tough but enjoyable ride, even…

  • Reimagining the Dew

    Reimagining the Dew

    Sometimes I reimagine one of the several bikes hanging on my wall and sometimes I actually carry my reimagining on to the reinventing stage.  Such is the case with my Kona Dew.  Now I’ve put a lot of miles on the Dew, but all of those miles were as a hybrid bike, riding gravel, pavement,…

  • First Ride – Reassembled Raleigh International

    First Ride – Reassembled Raleigh International

    This afternoon I took out the Raleigh International on a maiden voyage of sorts.  This is the Raleigh International that I had the great fortune to come across last summer.  The bikes original owner was unable to complete the restoration that he had started on a bike that he himself had purchased new back in…

  • Tour de Whatcom – 2019

    Tour de Whatcom – 2019

    My Garmin read 100.9 miles meaning that for me, the 2019 Tour de Whatcom was in the books. Before the ride, my wife and I were trying to figure out if if this was my 3rd or 4th time, but couldn’t come to a definite conclusion, so just left it out there as a question that…

  • Northeast County Loop – pimped out

    Northeast County Loop – pimped out

    Just last week I did what is my more normal Northeast County Loop, but as I am trying to get in some longer rides, I decided to pimp out my normal loop.   So I pimped out the loop by adding in Ferndale, Lynden, going a little further north, ultimately bumping it from 40 to…

  • Northeast County Loop

    Northeast County Loop

    Shoulder on Smith was literally littered with glass, sadly saw this broken 12 pack’s twin outside Everson. I rode this loop last Saturday, July 6th, a couple of days after Independence Day, but before street sweepers could hit all the bad spots.  This half rack of Corona bottles dumped on Smith Rd. wasn’t the only…