It's all part of the Experience

Tag: Bellingham

  • Tour de Whatcom 2023

    Tour de Whatcom 2023

    My wife had a Facebook memory pop up from my first Tour de Whatcom(TDW) century ride in 2015, making this my ninth ride around the county. We had the Covid year but I did my private “outlaw” version. Then I had the year where it overlapped oral surgery so I did the 40 mile route…

  • Winter Riding Tip

    Winter Riding Tip

    Many of my ride posts attest to the fact that I ride year round.  You know rain, snow, dark of night, like the postal service only I do it for recreation.  I’ve pushed my bike up the last snowy bit on Galbraith many a time and even carried my bike over parts of Wickersham in…

  • Scott Boulder – Gravel Edition

    Scott Boulder – Gravel Edition

    Last year I came across a Scott Boulder which I hoped to restore, out of a past and somewhat nostalgic tribute to Scott.  Well if you read that post you’ll know that the bike was more than a small disaster.  The big items like wheels, forks, seat tube and brakes were complete goners, succumbing to…

  • Sixty Three

    Sixty Three

    That’s the mileage for my virtual tour of the Tour de Whatcom(TDW) routes that I am riding this summer due to the covid-19 induced cancellation of the TDW reality ride. It was 63 miles and after about the first 40 miles I was feeling every one of those miles. I recently rode the 20 &…

  • Forty Four

    Forty Four

    Forty Four miles this morning for my second ride in my personal version of the 2020 Tour de Whatcom, the plan where I ride each of the routes, 20, 40,60 & 100 mile routes over the course of the summer.  It was pretty easy to connect the Raleigh Twenty to the 20 mile loop, but…

  • Covid-19


    One last note about covid-19 before there is nothing left of it in the news, save politics.  As of writing this, Washington state appears to be over the “hump” of the outbreak and I am already seeing social media rewriting our recent history from just the last few months, even last week and yesterday seem…